LAS MENINAS: More Than Just A Portrait?

Las Meninas is a 17th century painting, a portrait that almost seems of doll like figurines rather then that of a princess. Made by Diego Velázquez, a painting from the Spanish golden age . Made in 1656 , many of its features go unnoticed by a casual observer. It is a complex piece of art made with great precision and has a quite a few features that remain uncommon in portraits. A hint of mystery, a hint of facts, the painting couldn't be more mesmerising. Inspiration The painting is a commissioned portrait. That little sentence seems to remove any room or need for inspiration, doesn't it? Well, as mentioned above this isn't your stereotypical portrait . For it's a royal portrait but it also shows you so much more than just little girl in the portrait of the painting. It was made in a room of the Royal Alcazar in Madrid, Spain ; probably in the painter's studio itself. It was made after Velázquez had been at The Royal Residence and had made himsel...